Sunday, March 3, 2013

I'm back!!

Hi! I'm happy to say everything is going well! I've been so busy with school and work that I haven't had much time to post!

BUTTT, God has been sooooo good to us! Hubby got offered the job and is now working full time so now, I don't work that much and have more time to focus on my school!

I also am looking forward to start posting again! But, I would like some input what would you like to see?

Some things I plan on blogging about:
-My journey to become "healthy"
-Crafty things
-Tips for college

Is there anything specific you'd like to see? If so leave a comment below and let me know!!

Until next time,


  1. I'd like to know about your fitness journey! Maybe we can workout together sometime.

  2. Thanks becca! Yes! We should workout sometime! I miss the old days where we always had our starbucks and target :(
